Sangat Matrimonial is dedicated to ensuring online safety for all our users. To achieve this, we need your support while you use our service. Please report any suspicious activity or anything out of the ordinary on our website to a team member. Most importantly, notify us immediately if another member treats you inappropriately or asks offensive questions.
To maintain a safe and respectful environment, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Users must be at least 18 years old to use this site.
- Profile pictures should be clear and current.
- You can report any account that disrespects your privacy. We take harassment reports very seriously.
- Any member violating these rules will be warned and, if necessary, removed from the platform.
- We monitor the content uploaded by users.
- We manually approve new sign-ups. If we detect anything suspicious about an account, we do not approve it.
Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and respectful community. Thank you for your support.
Really good
ya really nice